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2007-09-15 01:59:09
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This is a place in which you can read my not very well thought out ranting about random things that piss me off, if you feel the urge to attempt to counter my logic with yours SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Rant #1: Hippies.

I'm all for saving the enviroment, I'm all for reform in the government. But, what I'm not all for, is sitting around in oversized clothing, smoking pot. I hate it when they talk about how corporations are raping the planet of its resources, and putting down the little guys, and then go out to a supermarket and buy chips made by DORITOS, then get pizza from PIZZA HUT, rent a movie from BLOCKBUSTER, and drink soda from COCA COLA!! These fuckers need to be hunted down, and forced to beat each other to death in a big dirt arena while i watch, and throw tomatos at them, sitting next to the big corporate executives.

Rant #2: People who Sue over NOTHING!

There are people who have made their way through life doing nothing but suing companies. A few years ago, a woman actually sued AND WON Mcdonalds for spilling hot coffee on herself. SHE SPILLED THE DAMN COFFEE ON HERSELF! I could understand if a Mcdonalds employee actually poured it on top of her head, that would be wrong. But, she did it to herself, and won! Whatever happened to the American dream, you work hard, and it pays off. Now, something that makes you feel uncomfortable, is reason to sue!! It's un-fucking-believable!! At a company, the 'rug hair' made several people sneeze semi often, so they sued (and won) getting corporate headquarters to accomidate them. They werent satisfied, so the company was forced to build them a seperate building. Less than ten people, brand new building. That's it, next topic.

Rant #3: Vegans/Vegetarians who LIKE MEAT

This makes me want to punch a baby. I've talked to several girls (not a single guy) who are all vegans/vegetarians, and I got a response from several of them saying that, 'I'm vegan because my friends are tee hee'. Now, I realize that I'm exaggerating a little bit, but that's essentially the response I got. These spoiled little rich girls arent abstaining from meat for any real purpose, they're doing it to 'fit in'. These are the same people that tell their friends to sniff keyboard cleaner. If you want to not eat meat, and be a vegetarian, that's fine! More power to you! But, if you're going to use some bullshit reason like, 'I just want to fit in', go stick your boyfriend's meat in your mouth!

Rant #4: Red Necks

I live in the South, I know what I'm talking about in this issue. I've heard a shit load about 'god hating queers', 'those damn mexicans are taking our jobs', 'them blacks need to learn their places', 'women are meant to be in the kitchen, not at work!' and other such racist ignorant shit. I want to castrate these men, they do not need to be breeding. They need to die, right now. I'm one of the most liberal people in the world (yet, I'm anti hippy, how ironic), I really dont feel any real spite towards anyone, except racist white southerners. I've heard of several instances in which people were beaten, and even killed, just because they were gay, black, or anything other than the 'pure race'. I even heard a story about a group from Kansas, marching all the god damn way to OREGON to protest a play, about gay people. They went 1500 miles out of their ways, to be fucking racist! Dont these guys have anything else to do with their time? Apparently not.

Rant #5: The French

Most of you are thinking that i'm going to go off, and just say how bitchy and whiny they are, but I'm not. Because, for me to categorize an entire country of people would be arrogent of me, and not even I am that arrogant.

Rant #6: Whiggers/Posers

I HATE these fuckers! Rich, spoiled white people who try to act black, because they think it makes them cool. What are these people, fucking stoned?! You're white! ACT IT! I mean come on, I'll admit, there was a time in which I acted like a whigger, but I have since learned better. I'm talking about the rich kids who listen to rap, wear pants around their fucking thighs, and let their asses hang out all over the place. It makes me want to electroshock them. I dont mind listening to rap, or liking black culture, but when you look, and act like an idiot, you need an intervention.

Rant #7: Those "Truth" Commercials

Now, these are basically hippies with money. If you watch TV, you've seen these "Truth" commercials, in which they show the dangers of smoking cigarettes, and doing other sorts of drugs. I'm not for getting people to do drugs, and im all for trying to keep them from doing it, but if you're inspired not to do drugs by these commercials, then you're probably inspired by your High School Principal, or a teacher of yours. These commercials make it look like every person who does drugs is evil, and that they're hurting everyone around them, which is bullshit! Most of the people who smoke pot, hit the joint, eat a twinky, go to sleep, wake up, and go on with their lives. They're also the same group of fuckers lobbying to put the tobacco industry out of business, saying that they 'sell deadly drugs'. Well fucking duh! They're the TOBACCO industry, not the fluffy fucking bunny industry, tobacco kills, the people that smoke the tobacco know this, it's written right on the box! The only way we're going to get kids NOT to do drugs is to make sure the parents have the balls to actually beat the shit out of their kids, it's the reason I DONT DO DRUGS!! next topic please.

Rant #8 Professional Movie Critics

I have a physical hatred of these cretans. I live in Tampa Bay FL, and there's a critic for the St. Petersburg Times named Steve Persall, and he's a douche. He couldnt tell a good movie from a pile of shit his dog layed last night. He gives movies like 'a walk to remember' or 'brokeback mountain' A, A- ratings, while AWESOME movies like American Pie, Scary Movie and Saw F's! Now, I'll admit they're not the tastiest flavor of pie in the bakery, but they're asking somebody who likes TEARJERKER movies, to review COMEDIES. That's like asking a GAY man to have sex with a LESBIAN, and rate it from 1-10. That's not even the half of it, there are armies of these pricks, reviewing genres they plain dont care for, giving them bad reviews. If the damned newspapers would just find critics who liked specific genres, and have them go out, AND REVIEW THEM. I know, this sounds very stupid, but it's one of my many pet peeves.

Rant #9 Those Who do Nothing But Fuck

I'm a guy, I like the feeling of sexual activities, but I hate these people who do nothing but grope, fuck, blow, etc. These people think they're the 'shit', that girls/guys looove them, and that all guys/girls want to fuck them. I have two friends, who's names will not be mentioned. Well, let's just call them Bob and Jill. All they do outside of school, IS FUCK! I cant wait for Jill to get pregnant, Bob to get kicked out of his house, and forced to work in a dead end job for the rest of his life, trying to support a bitchy, whiny wife and an illegitamate son/daughter who resents them. Fucking Bob...

Rant #10 Catholics

Alright, I'm athiest, so that pretty much constitutes my hatred of these fuckers. I was raised on catholic beliefs, though I do believe my mother's an agnostic at this point. I dont have a problem with their ideals, you live a good life, you go to heaven, you're bad, hell. But, then again, who is to say what constitutes a 'bad' life? God? If you check the bible, god is the leading cause of death. Besides that, catholics have a religion, based around the teachings of a philosopher named Jesus Christ, a Jewish philosopher, somebody who preached tolerance for all others. Yet, the catholic church itself has condescended on any religion other than its own. I went to a catholic church youth group a few months ago, the minister or priest or rapist, whatever they're known as these days, was preaching that the damn Tsunami over in Thailand was a GOOD thing, because it sent all those people who havent yet reached the age of acknowledgement, and so they went to heaven, instead of growing up to worship pagan gods, or cows. They told me this! They told me that they would go to hell, even though they ALL lead nice, honest lives. I've been told by COUNTLESS people that I'm going to hell because I denounce god. Yet, the people telling me this (are catholic) fuck, steal, lie, and perform more ANTI catholic activities than anyone i've ever met. The truth is, Athiests like me are the people you WANT running things, we're not afraid to perform basic, logical actions, without feeling guilty about it, like the damn terri shaivo incident less than a year ago, if it wasnt for the 'religious issues' she would've died 14 years ago, thus saving us possibly thousands of dollars! alright, if i go on any more, you wont have time to read my other rants...

Rant #11 Celebrities

I fucking hate them. There's an actor, and then there's a celebrity, an actor is somebody who goes onto a movie set, says some lines, does a good job, and goes home. Now, a celebrity, I cant stand, these are people who go out of their way to cause controversy to make themselves even more famous, but whine when the paparazzi take their fucking pictures wherever they go. NO SHIT THEY'RE GOING TO TAKE YOUR PICTURE FUCK NUT! I mean come on, when you've got your pants around your ankles, that's a god damn photo opt! Other celebrity bull shit, is stuff like Tom Cruise. Oh my god I hate this fucker! He actually has the gaul to say that NOONE needs anti depressants, that they're just street drugs. Alright, to an extent he's right, but he's also the man who wanted to eat his child's placenta. Hell, all he needs is some nice fava beans and some chianti and he's got a party. Alright, in short, if you're going to act, act, dont use your fame and fortune to make yourself look like an asshole for the rest of the world to oogle at. Im done with that little rant...

Rant #12 Kids Today

Alright, this is incredibally hypocritical of me, I know, I'm one of them. But, kids today have NO work ethic, at all! Just looking around I've noticed this little fact. Sitting in my math class the other day, most of the class had just bombed a test, and instead of doing extra work to boost their grades, they bitched, moaned, and whined, trying to get the teacher to give out extra credit. One of the little punks even argued that, 'We know the material, it's just that we can't do it on the test'. I want to hit him, because, HE DOESNT KNOW THE MATERIAL!! They all said, 'Give us a 20 point curve, we deserve it' No, you dont. Because most of these little shits didnt so much as study, or do their homeworks. They did the bare minimum of work, got the minimum grade, and started to whine. I'm currently failing that class, but I dont make excuses, it's all my fault, I choose not to do extra work, I accept that, but they cant seem to grasp the concept of working overtime, going out of their way to get extra help, so that they do get better grades on tests. Bottom line, these kids needed to be hit more as kids.

Rant #13 DK *[dark kitty in big trouble] did this one!*

Alright, this is how this thing goes. DK is a term used to sum up all people who arnt in the group of 'jocks' or 'preps' or anything in that general line. DK is short for Dirty Kids, which is now the newest label put on practically half of my school. And guess what? IT'S F*CKING ANOYING! Goddamn. This all started out as some lame myspace group called 'DK patrol' that expanded all over school and has blown up into a huge problem. Another myspace has been created to cancel out the first called 'DK proud'. Both of these groups have set up a hit list targeting certain people on the lists. They also have rumors spreading that guns and knives are going to be brought to school to 'set things straight'. What I think about this? I think BULL SHIT! Not one person in my school has the balls to do this. And further more, saying that they'll do it on 6/6/06. That's just lame. Not only have they brought out a new label, but their also dragging religon into it now as well. Whoever started this need's to get a life, seriously. Because if all they do is spend their time ratting on people who are different from them, they have WAY to much time on their hands......

Rant #14 anti gay marriage

This, is just plain stupid. The only people who are anti gay marriage, are all in the closet. I dont give a shit who you are, if you're against this, you're in the fucking closet, waiting to come out and tell everyone that you're really a sodomy loving fag. This has got to be the largest waste of an issue, I have ever seen. This is taking time away from our President (who somehow still finds time to take a weekly vacation), in order to discuss something that is irrelevant. Where the fuck does it pay off to oppose gay marriage?! What could ANYONE aquire from not allowing gay people to get married?! Well, aside from the knowledge that you've oppressed a large group of people (sound familiar to all you germans out there?). Now, in an earlier rant, I ranted about racists in general, now it's time to get a little more specific. Hating gay people is the DUMBEST thing in the world to do, it really is. I can understand hating black people because a large group of them beat the ever living shit out of you and raped your wife, that's easy. But, the only way you could justify hating a gay man, is if they came up to you, and raped you up the ass, which, rarely happens outside of catholic churches, or Neverland Ranch. Now, before I stop this little rant of mine, I will remind you that I am incredibally liberal, not in the fact that I believe that everyone is truly equal, no. I believe that it's NOT OUR FUCKING CONCERN!! We dont need to be telling two gay men they cant marry, marriage isnt that sacred, just look at the catholics, they're all getting divorces, doesnt that violate the sanctity of marriage?
alright, I'm done, next topic...

Rant #15 The FCC
The FCC, The Federal Communications Commission. I hate them. They are a group of self appointed, NOT ELECTED, officials who take the time to get to know every single person in America, then decide what's suitable to be on television. Oh wait, that's not them... Oh yeah! They're the fuckers who tell us what's good and what's not based on their own personal beliefs, most religious. They were started by a priest in the South, someone who heard something he didnt like on the radio, so he basically started the FCC. Apparently, he didnt realize that there were two KNOBS on the radio, of course a priest has never been completely comfortable with anything that has knobs on it. But, whenever the FCC sees something that they find to be offensive, they immediately take it off of TV, or the radio (not the newspaper however). Most of what they do is based on children, 'will it hurt the children?' You know what I say to that, "FUCK THE CHILDREN!" They get too much attention from the media, and esspecially the FCC and ESRB(the rating system of videogames). Alright, I'm going to save the rest for another rant on another day...

Rant #16 Internet perverts

This wiki is dedicated to [Allison.] and [Wendy], whom have been sexually harassed more than anyone I know. And for all you 'cyber kids' out there, get off your computer, pry your cum covered hands off of your dick (or, if you're a girl, out of your vag). If you want to have a sexual experience, go out, get to know somebody, let them get to know you, fall in love, and you can have ACTUAL sexual experiences, instead of pretending. Now, some of you guys, who claim to be, 'haWt N SexY', go away, and kill yourself while you're at it, you're useless to society. Next time you go up to a girl, asking if they want to cyber, you're probably assuming they have no standards, and that they would 'net fuck' anyone. No, most girls that I know have actual standards, and instead of lowering their standards to cybering, go out and actually interact with other people. Now, I know I have friends that probably cyber, and im fine with that. I'm not going to shake their hands, but I'm fine with it. Oh, and if anyone reading this asks either miss Amicitia OR miss wendy to cyber again, I'll make you fucking baul over and cry, have a nice day.

Rant #17 Emo Kids

Alright, before I go up New York and get my ego bruised with insults, time to rant, this time about shitty emo kids. Why is it that whenever one of these little kids gets dumped, they think that gives them the credibility to pretend to mope around, and write shitty music? I've noticed that the kids that should be depressed (being beaten repeatedly by parents, poor, living in slums, etc, etc) are the ones that are most inspired to do something with their lives, while these rich (all white) kids who think they're cool by wearing skin tight clothes (unics, maybe?). I hate them, I've talked to several, none are funny, and I mean none. They all shop at Hot Topic, and think that the particular brand name makes them cool. Well, it doesnt, it makes you one lame motherfucker. We have a game down at the D-pad, it's called 'Guess that emo kid's gender' and let me tell you all something, it tends to get difficult. Oh, and I'll describe the music for you, 'My girlfriend left me, there's no point in living, check out my Myspace!'

Rant #18 Religous Racists

I am FUCKING PISSED RIGHT NOW!! There are...certain people I would like to thank for me being athiest, let me get my thank you speach. Number 1: God, without your murderous ways, I would still believe in you. Number 2: Jesus Christ, without whose teachings, religious fanatics wouldnt have had words with which to control the masses, thank you. Number 3: The 12 apostles, without you 12 whiteboys, the word of Jesus would've taken an additional...12 years to spread! Number 4: Muhammad, without his perverted teachings, the world wouldnt have militant Islam, thank you very much. Number 5: Spain, without your help, the Inquisition wouldnt have happened, and thousands of jews, muslims, and other such people would've lived MUCH longer during midevil Spain. Number 6: The Pope during the crusades, without whose influence, the population of Europe might've reached numerable numbers. Number 7: The K.K.K. for telling it like it is, thank you white boys very much. Number 8: That fucking bitch at the church a few months ago who preached christian dominance over the world, calling the Tsunami in Thailand a 'gift from god'. Number 9: The nazis, they were ALL staunch catholics. Number 10: George Carlin, because he actually tells it like it is. And, seriously, I have to thank my parents, they have actually accepted my religious choice, and they support me, because now that I've vented, I would just like to give everyone, all four of you, a little piece of advice: I dont care what you believe in, just as long as you believe in yourselves and the people you care about.

Rant# 19 Conservative all the way through Liberals

Both parties are bastards, and I know, I'm in American Government. The definition of a conservative is someone who believes that the Government should restrict people's lives in order to preserve traditional values, but says the government should stay out of affairs that deal with economy. The definition of a liberal is somebody who thinks that the government should help those who are poor, down on their luck, etc, etc. The problems with these ideals is that, you can't have one or the other, we need a moderation of both, both of these political parties have to work in unison, or else there's going to be problems, like right now. I think the government should stay out of personal affairs, a few examples being: Gay marriage, abortion. That's a liberal view. I also believe that the government should keep taxes low. That's a conservative view. Both sets of politicians have one sided views, and they think that their one set of views can keep the country in working order, but they cant, they need a moderate, somebody in the middle, who believes in a combination of these values.

Rant# 20- Bulimia/Anorexia

Bullshit, complete and total bullshit. Young girls around the entire US seem to be indoctrinated to think that they need to be under a certain weight to be attractive. Bullshit, pure, unbridaled, all American, grade A, prime cut bullshit. For one thing, most guys arent looking for a girl so small you can see her spine, ribs and femur! For christ sakes, I saw a god damn girl's god damn femur! For those that havent taken anatamy, the femur is the largest and thickest bone in the body, burried underneath the thigh. And, I've seen girls so skinny, their femur was showing, made me gag a little bit. But, the worst part is, my older sister is bulimic and anorexic, and today, I had to be the first one into the recovery ward to see her, she was all skinny and boney, her face was gaunt white, and she had IV's in her arms. Apparently, she hadnt eaten for almost 3 days, and she even threw up that night, and she collapsed today at work. The first thing she told me and my dad was, 'well, at least I'm still skinny'. Her body's in such bad condition that they have to pump food into her in careful doses. DOSES! They have to control the amount of food and water that gets into her system, because her body isnt quite USED TO FOOD! That's the point which she's reached, her body can barely process food anymore. Now, I dont know if you know this, but that takes quite a bit of trying to fuck up something as perfect as the human body. These girls are slowly killing themselves, just because a few models and actresses do it, and it makes me sick. Next time you skip a meal, think about what you're missing out on.

Rant# 21- Those who bastardize peaceful documents
Alright, these people suck, on an EPIC level. Christian Fundamentalists, Jewish Fundamentalists, and Muslim Fundamentalists are all the same. They take the Bible (New and Old) and the Koran using them to persecute and oppress. Most conservatives claim the Bible in order to persecute homosexuals, but choose to ignore where it says, 'Do unto others'. These fanatics regularly use these documents to get away with shitloads of crimes against humanity, all in the name of god. I'll use just a few examples, 9/11, the war in the Middle East, Northern Ireland, the Inquisition, the Holocaust and the exterminations in Bosnia. Now, let's change gears just a little bit now- the American Constitution. And, with that, I would like to point out the first amendment in particular, and to narrow it down even more, the Freedom of Speech. This amendment has been bastardized more than any other rule, law, or decree over all of American history. Oh! I especially love the ones who think it applies to all aspects of everyday life, those crackers are my favorites. People who put up the most IGNORANT bullshit I have EVER read, and say, 'oh, i invoke 1st amendment, cant touch this.' and, i KNOW Charles Darwin is just rolling over in his grave, not for the usual reasons, but with laughter. Because, he knows in his heart, that all of those people are getting affected by natural selection much faster than most people, and they deserve it.

Rant#22- Black and White

Some of you are probably thinking this is about race, it's not. When I say 'Black and White', I mean thoughts. Ladies, gentlemen, NOTHING in this world is black and white in idea, nothing can be taken as completely good or completely evil, and anyone remember that guy with the funny mustache in WWII germany? Yeah, he advocated black and white thought. Now, I'm not saying everyone who's a black and white thinker is a nazi, but that was one of their defining qualities. To think that EVERYTHING is black or white is just plain rediculous, and I'm going to list off just a few examples that we (americans in particular, sorry all you foreigners) just can't logically take as black and white in the sake of NATIONAL interest, not personal. Abortion, I've seen black and white thinking on BOTH sides of the debate- people who think abortion should be COMPLETELY illegal, even for those women who were raped, and people who think anyone should get an abortion willy nilly, but they're far less common. The next subject is the death penalty, there are numerous pros and cons to both sides of the debate, and I used to be pro death penalty, but now I'm undecided because of this. But, most people arent fortunate enough to be able to hear both sides of the debate (politicians, maybe?). The US is the only 'modernized' country left to have the death penalty, publically stated to be used as a deterrant (see how well it works?). War is another thing that people are either staunchly for or against, and there are far too many pros and cons to list in just one of these little ranting entries. Folks, if any of you reading this dont listen to your opponents in the debate, and just spend the time they use talking trying to think of a response, please, please remember that nothing in life is monocausal, and NOTHING is black, nor is it white. Oh, and if any of you would ask [RabidSphinx] to read this, I would be greatly abliged, I want to hear her reaction to this. It's in her honor.

Rant# 24- People who are take me seriously

Alright folks, what the fuck is wrong with you people? Nobody ever takes me seriously when I'm goofin around with them, then I say something they dont like. That's when they get pissed off. Let's just give you an example- Last week, I was hangin out with friends at a videogame arcade, and I crack a jewish joke. We all giggle. Then, I crack a mexican joke, and my buddy Steve gets pissed at me. Folks, you may call me racist, but I'm really not, I hate and insult everyone equally, I dont take race into account when I insult people, I view them all as imperfect(including myself). [FireGypsy] just took me seriously, I dont really know why. I'm a member of High as a fuggin kite! AND Hippy pride, and she's taking me seriously about my rant. People, when you hear me say something, and you think I'm being seriously, seriously, think for a minute, 'When exactly is James EVER serious?'

Rant# 25- Fake nerds

These people are the bottom of the evolutionary well in my book. I'm a nerd, which means I spend all my time reading LotR, watching anime, reading manga, etc. I've had countless conversations with people like, 'yeah! i dig naruto, who's your favorite character?' "umm," I've basically devoted myself to being a nerd, in fact, I just went on a 'comeback tour' of Yugioh, a shitty collectable card game (and did pretty well). I am such a nerd, I can recite endless amounts of information about LotR, Star Wars, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, FMA, and even he first season of Power Rangers (that's right!). Most of these 'fake nerds' just try to be a nerd because they arent cool enough to be one of the popular pukes, so they pull their pants up, learn a few names and claim to be a nerd, without partaking in the actual nerd experiences, a.e. having no actual life. Heh, i do find it kinda funny- annorexic nerds- nerds who actually care about what other people think about them. Me and mine dont give a shit, nerds are damn proud! We hold our heads high, and are proud of our lack of lives! So, all of you fake nerds out there, drop your pants around your asses, and go back to trying to be cool, stop trying to be like Mike.

Rant# 26- Genocidal Dumbasses

Hey! Fucktards! Yeah, you, I'm talking to you, no, not you, the one next to you! You just said that all stupid people need to die, wow. AND! and, you just claimed to be pro-america, that tickles me a bit. Hey, wasn't there a group of people about sixty-seventy years ago who tried to kill off all the stupid people? oh yeah! there was, and I remember seeing old newsreels about them, but they were hard to understand because the narration was in german. I fucking hate Neo-nazi's, they are among the lowest of the food chain. This has been a rant by James King, thank you for listening.

Rant# 27- Merry Christmas

Why can't we use merry for other purposes? When we hear the word merry we're automatically indoctrinated to think about Christmas. I want to change the rules, I say we have a merry new year. Fuck Happy, happy's for chumps. Why can't the blacks have a merry kwanza? The jews dont have a merry Hannukah? (sorry about the spelling) And to shift gears on a similar topic, I'm not digging Christmas too much anymore. Now, as an athiest, I shouldnt be celebrating anything that is supposed to commemorate the birth of a false prophet (in my eyes). But, it isnt even a christian thing anymore! I went over to a jewish friend of mine's house, and he and his very jewish family were all celebrating Christmas. God bless America.

Rant# 28- Blaming It On the Music and Videogames

Columbine, one of the greatest trageties of american culture. Blamed on Merilyn Manson. Teen violence and gang shoot outs. Blamed on Grand Theft Auto. As someone who listens to violent music and plays gorey and action filled videogames, let me tell you, these arent the things that get me into fights. For the past 13 years that i've been in school, I've been picked on. From grades K-10th, I was the chump, the kid everyone picked on and beat up. If I were to go into my school and shoot everyone, police would rade my room and find a large amount of thrash metal and violent games and movies. None of the bullies would be punished, in any way, nor feel guilty. But, all of those bands and game developers would get strongly worded letters about how they need to be more careful, and that their responsability is to make safe, clean cut games/music that's wholesome for the whole family. Jack Thompson would go on a crusade, suing every game developer and heavy metal rock group label under the big bright blue sky. But, nobody would've thought, 'Wow, this guy went through some shit. Beaten up for about 11 years, no wonder he was so pissed! My god, I'm amazed he didnt do this earlier!' As much bullshit as this sounds, I've thought about taking my knife, going to school, and offing some of the pricks who beat me up as a kid, but I didnt, I held on to my sanity. And would all of you like to know how, it's an ironic answer, you'll all loooove it. Here's my secret- I kept myself distracted with


Rant# 29: Old People

First off, let me just say that this rant is dedicated to a certain group of the senile generation. I work at Wendys, a popular fast food chain that is famous for it's flexible menu and combo choices. I also live in Florida, where old people go to die. And for all intents and purposes, they're as dead as they're going to get as soon as they walk through the front door of my Wendys. If as fast as they think is full blast, then we might as well toss them in the graves now. I'll admit, my 86 year old grandmother thinks like that, but we tend to keep her indoors these days. My other grandmother is stone cold fuckin nuts, but she can still at least comprehend a Wendys menu board. My shift starts in aboot 45 minutes, and I guarentee, I'm going to hear this for the entire afternoon, "Excuse me, can I order a senior sized frosty?" 'Alright, what size frosty would you like ma'am?' (cuz, i'm always fuckin polite and smiling, drives me nuts). "A senior, please" 'yes, alright, but what size would you like?' "But, I said a senior size." (this is the point where the sarcasm starts) 'Alright, I'll just give you a large sized, how's that?' "But, I dont want a large size!" 'Then which size would you like?' "Senior!" 'You come in every day, and I tell you the same thing, we only have THREE sizes, small medium and large. which would you like?!' "small." And they ALWAYS touch me! Not inappropriately or anything, but my hand as I'm leaning on the counter, as if they're being cute in anyway possible. It's fuckin creepy as hell feeling that old, nasty, wrinkly old skin on mine. Makes my skin crawl. The next thing i'm gonna complain about is the fact that they always complain. Kinda ironic, I know, but bear with me on this one. I'll give them a cup of coffee, and I'm talkin RIGHT as soon as it's done brewing. "Sir, can you get me a fresh cup of coffee, this one seems a bit stale. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT, THIS IS NOT MCDONALDS! this is not a gourmet coffee shop, if you want cheap coffee, talk to us. If you want good coffee, go to Starbucks and get the fuck away from me. Oh! and when they order chili, you give them two packets of crackers, it's the rule. Then they say those inevitable, annoying as hell words, "Give me just a few more crackers please, for my chili." for my chili. I thought it was gonna be for your coffee. But, I dont mind giving out two extra packets, it's no big deal, but then they ask for more, until I'm damn near bone dry on my cracker supply, and I have to run back and restock twenty minutes into the daily lunch rush, which is probably starting as I'm typing this. Bottom line is: Old people expect to be treated better just because they lived a life working the same dead end job and raising a bunch of retard kids that havent grown up into any sort of real place in life that his father hadnt already acheived, they smell funky, they always complain, and they're non gratuitous. Or, in simpler words: Old people SUCK!

Rant #30: Hopeless Romantics

Alright, I'm that guy. When I say that guy, i mean i'm the nice guy, the one the girls always say they're looking for, but really they're just saying that and then going for mr hotty. Now, I've fallen in love a grand total of three times this year. Dated one for six months, broke up over practically nothing. The second one stood me up. Now, the third one just compared my small penis to that of a penis that made her cry it was so big. Shows how fuckin amazing my love life is. But, I'm talking about the girls who are always just so co-fucking-dependant upon some asshole they tell themselves they love. I'm talking about the girl who's just out of high school and marries her boyfriend of six months cuz he's such a sweetie. Then he gets drunk and yells at her. Oh, he was just drunk, he didnt mean it. Drunk lies=sober truths. That's what sodium penathol does, it gets you 'drunk' then you tell the truth. I've gotten drunk and professed my love for a girl once, i didnt think I felt that way sober, but after the hangover and vomiting, I realized I did. My friend Cath's boyfriend told her he was going to beat and then rape her (while drunk). He denied it. Then tried to (while sober). If you're fucking stupid enough to believe that drunk words dont matter, check again. Dumbass.

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2006-10-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: alright, Sasha, do you do ANY of those things I put up there?

2006-10-22 [FireGypsy]: I smoke weed! But I do it for a reason! I dont sit around and smoke all day long. I smoke before bed to help me sleep. And I dont "bitch" about things, if I dont like something, I change it or help change it. And my clothes are FAR from oversized! I HATE pizza! I HATE soda! I rarely eat chips! I buy natural foods! I buy food from farms and stuff such as milk and eggs. What YOU are referring to arent hippies. They are just a bunch of retard stoners. Real hippies do none of that shit you talk about! None of it!

2006-10-22 [Ethereal Blue]: o_o; I don't s'pose suggesting that Sasha takes a deep breath would be very welcomed right now, huh?

2006-10-22 [FireGypsy]: Ive had 2 days to take a deep breath, and I am still angry! *growls*

2006-10-22 [Ethereal Blue]: Couldn't tell.. xD

2006-10-22 [FireGypsy]: Lol! *pokes* I just dont like the fact that he is ranting about all this shit, yet he is so ignorant about it! I have an idea ^_^

2006-10-22 [Ethereal Blue]: *Jumps* Ai! *Pokes you back* Aye. I know what you mean. Well, not about Lordy, 'cause I tend to agree with quite a bit of what he says, but through other people and such.

2006-10-22 [FireGypsy]: Well, that is because he is only pointing out the bad side of things!

2006-10-22 [Ethereal Blue]: It isn't called ranting without a reason, though, Hon. xD

2006-10-22 [FireGypsy]: Yeah, but he is ranting about shit he knows nothing about!

2006-10-22 [Ethereal Blue]: Not all of it. Like the cybering stuffs, and the anorexia (on the personal note, at the very least) I'm not a hundred percent on the rest of it, but y'know what? He's a pretty damned smart guy, and he understands a lot of shit. And it is his point of view, so he can bitch about just about whatever he wants. I have an EDNOS and you don't see me attacking him for what he wrote about anorexics.

2006-10-22 [FireGypsy]: Because he knows a bit on the subject and isnt being factual about it. If he started saying "anorixics do this and they do that" and you know they dont, you would get offended.

2006-10-22 [Ethereal Blue]: Actually, I wouldn't. But whatever. I'll save this argument for you 'n him.

2006-10-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: Listen, Sasha, I dont give a shit if you dont like my rantings, I dont care if you think I'm ignorant, and I can even stand for you to point out my mistakes. But when you call me IGNORANT, you dont get the point of the wiki.


2006-10-23 [Wendy]: If you don't like it, go somewhere else. This is a wiki for James's rants. Not yours. Create your own wiki for that. If you are gong to participate on here, I advise you to be contructive.

2006-10-23 [FireGypsy]: Whatever, but he is supposed to be my friend, and friends dont wish this on their friends... "These fuckers need to be hunted down, and forced to beat each other to death in a big dirt arena while i watch, and throw tomatos at them, sitting next to the big corporate executives." Especially if the hippie lifestyle doesnt include anything he claims they do. He should call them "wannabe" hippies, because they aren't fucking hippies. So fuck you Ultimate, for wishing my death.

2006-10-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: umm, Sasha, most hippies do smoke pot, and hang around with friends complaining about the state of the government. and, you're taking me seriously. People never take me seriously until I say something they dont like.

2006-10-23 [FireGypsy]: Yeah, they smoke pot because it is herbacious! And it calms you down. Its not like they do it ALLL day long. And we hang out with our friends and chill or party, I have NEVER talking about large corporations OR government with my friends. We just simply hang out, thats all. And they dont complain about everything, they do what they can to help things. Bitching does nothing. Hippies take action. You are describing fake hippies. We real hippies AVOID large corporations and we DO support the little guy. We do what we can for animals aswel.

2006-10-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: alright, but now you should read my disclaimer, you know, the one about shutting the fuck up maybe?

2006-10-23 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Bangs head against wall* You're giving me a head-ache, and I'm not even part of the arguement.

2006-10-23 [Ethereal Blue]: Pffft, which one of 'em? Their both ratherly hard headed... Not to say I don't love 'em both. ><;

2006-10-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeah, thanks Kyoko

2006-10-23 [Blood Red Sandman]: I don't know Sasha, but yes, they're both hard-headed, but that's why we ALL love King!

2006-10-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *tackles and licks Lil* ahhh, thanks Lily!

2006-10-23 [Ethereal Blue]: TT_TT So you'll thank her mean your thanks to her and be sarcastic to me. Bum Fuck. <//3

2006-10-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: wait, I love you kyoko!! *tackles*

2006-10-23 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Wipes slobber off face*

2006-10-23 [Ethereal Blue]: Awwwah, realleh? *Clings*
Yeah. What about Kyoko? o_o;

2006-10-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *cling* wait, what about kyoko?

2006-10-23 [Blood Red Sandman]: Sorry, nothing. Accidentally typed it. SORRY! I make mistakes too!!!!!! *Bangs head against wall*

2006-10-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *gasp* NO!! *lunges and pads your head with mine

2006-10-23 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Shoves King out of the way and bangs head against wall*

2006-10-23 [Ethereal Blue]: o_o *Video tapes*

2006-10-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *gives lil enough sedatives to knock out an elephant*

2006-10-23 [Ethereal Blue]: *Pokes her* Uhm... Lordy... Why's she starting to froth at the mouth?! O_O;

2006-10-23 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Sits up with glazed eyes, then stands up and spins in circles, twitching uncontrollably*

2006-10-23 [Ethereal Blue]: Good going Lordy! You gave her the retarded elephant's dosage! ><;

2006-10-23 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Stops spinning, goes crazy eyed, and attacks Kyoko*

2006-10-23 [Ethereal Blue]: *Screams and turns into le zombeh!* >.>

2006-10-23 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Turns and bangs head against wall*

2006-10-23 [Ethereal Blue]: *Sneezes*

2006-10-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *checks the bottle* whoops, turns out I gave her a dosage of morphene...

2006-10-23 [Love like Winter.]: Awww, can I have some too?

2006-10-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *gives shitloads of morphene*

2006-10-23 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Snaps out of it and bashes the bottle over King's head*

2006-10-23 [Love like Winter.]: Ooooh, pwetty liquid. *downs in one*

2006-10-24 [Ethereal Blue]: o_o Great... We've now got ourselves a coupla morphine lovers, an unconscious Lordy aaaaaaaaaand a forgoted 'bout Kyoko... <.< Ah screw it! *Steals some morphine and joins the load*

2006-10-24 [Blood Red Sandman]: Morphine is for wimps!

2006-10-24 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *blink* but, morphine is enough to knock out an elephant...

2006-10-24 [Love like Winter.]: *sits happliy sipping my morphine and still eating that cookie*

2006-10-24 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *plays with a string, a pair of scissors and a shoe while on morphine*

2006-10-25 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *jabs King's shoulder incessantly with one finger* Hey. Heeeey. Hey hey hey hey hey.

...Rant about boredom. Boredom sucks. Rant about it. Because it sucks. And it needs a rant. So everyone knows it sucks. So rant about it. *jabs*

2006-10-25 [Ethereal Blue]: Don't forget to add it's affects on Dante... o.o;

2006-10-25 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: hey, dante, *jabs back* STOP!

2006-10-25 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *stops abruptly* ...Please?

2006-10-25 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: no, no please!

2006-10-25 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *sobs* Fine! But you're not getting jack SH*T tonight!!! *storms out*

2006-10-25 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *sigh* guess it's just lefty and righty today...

2006-10-27 [Ethereal Blue]: O____________O;; *Offers you a haunted hand* >.> Figured I'd help out and put you into the tricky spirit... <.<;

Don't say I never do nothin' fer ya.

2006-10-27 [Blood Red Sandman]: Are you gonna rant about the effects of boredom?

2006-10-28 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: i might, but i'm not in a ranting mood right now...

2006-11-04 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: NONO! Better yet, rant about bored people. You can do that, right? I promise I won't take you seriously...

2006-11-05 [Ethereal Blue]: Dude, Dante, why don't YOU write the bloody rant and then send it to Lordy?

2006-11-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: because, i dont take requests

2006-11-07 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: If I write it, it'll be biased. I'm bored all the *&%#ing TIME!!! @_@ Teh King knows it, too. He's seen my boredom wikis!

2006-11-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeah, I can attest to that, he gets bored a lot

2006-11-07 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: And it's annoying as HELL, isn't it!? So, there's your material! X3 No thanks are necessary.

2006-11-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: actually, that would be you....

2006-11-07 [Blood Red Sandman]: I'm so bored.................... *Falls over* Is there nothing to do around here today?!?

2006-11-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: nope, nothing, nada, zip, zippo, butane

2006-11-07 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Bangs head against the wall* I HATE mondays! I hate them with a strong passion, and it's only 8!

2006-11-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]:'s 9 here...

2006-11-07 [Blood Red Sandman]: well, I'm an hour behind you. but I can't believe the sun sets a 5:30 now

2006-11-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: gah! i know! actually, it doesnt darken here til bout 7-ish

2006-11-08 [Ethereal Blue]: Here it's anywhere from four in the afternoon to seven... ._.

2006-11-08 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: ..change mine back to six

2006-11-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: I love it when the sun goes down earlier... More nighttime.

2006-11-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Which means, more late-night Kingdom Hearts boss battles. XO XALDIN HERE I COME!!!

2006-11-08 [Love like Winter.]: Do a rant about how stupid emo kids are.. Opps! Forgot, you don't do requests :P

2006-11-08 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *see rant#17*

2006-11-08 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Okay, you don't take requests, how about a challenge. Do a rant...




2006-11-08 [Love like Winter.]: Oh frick, how did I miss that o,O

2006-11-08 [Love like Winter.]: *reads* Hahaha, see, this is why I adore you James *hugs*.
Rich, white kids.. AKA gothed-up preps.

2006-11-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *hugs* i friggen hate them posers...

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: Its really quite sickining to people who have problems and/or depression. People are only begining to take depression seriously and now we have all these 14 year olds who act like their life is so complacated just cause their boyfriend of 2 weeks broke up with them.

2006-11-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: I seriously blame the parents! they're giving these kids far too much sympathy, and that gives them the expectation of getting sympathy from other people. when I got hurt as a kid, mi madre said, 'you're fine, go back out and play'. Not, 'OH MY GOD! YOU HURT YOUR ARM!!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?!?!'. When I got dumped by my first girlfriend (well, serious girlfriend), mi padre gave me a shot of tequila and said, 'hearts break, but life goes on, dont dwell'. If more of these emo kid parents would do this, depression in america would be a lot less rampant.

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: sorry, I kinda ranted on your rant wiki :P

2006-11-09 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ...Umm, actually, because of that you turned out cold and heartless, Tehking XD

2006-11-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: i'm not cold and heartless, im cold, calculating, rashional, and yes a bit heartless

2006-11-09 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: PSSSH! Being rational is for chumps. Now being objective! THAT is fun.

2006-11-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: but, rationality, and cold pessimism is what this world needs more of! fuck objectionism and optimism, those are for losers!

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: Optimism sucks big toes.. It only lets you down. I gave up on it a long time ago.

2006-11-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: good job erin! we need more pessimistics like yourself, there are so few of us out there. Pessimism will either save this world, or doom it. Optimism will only doom it.

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: Assuming that the anything could possibly save the world is very optimistic of you James *raises eyebrow*. Surely you know that this world was doomed to begin with?

2006-11-09 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: -_-' *sighs* If everyone in the world was more objective, many of the greatest conflicts of our time would be quickly resolved, and we might actually make some progress in the direction of prosperity. Rationality is what p*sses people off, because those rational people usually come off as dipsh*ts, and they look even stupider than usual when they're wrong or in the minority. Real optimism never lets you down because the point is to always know that good things are coming and, much more importantly, that good things are already here; not to mention that this is always true, no matter who you are.

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: "they look even stupider than usual when they're wrong or in the minority"

Just because your in the minority, it dosn't necessarily mean your wrong or stupid. It just means most people don't agree with you.

2006-11-09 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: But you'll usually look stupid... You're missing the point...

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: *ponders* hmm, that is an opinion...

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: Although, I doubt that people who are truely pessimestic really care how others see them. Especially optimistic people.

2006-11-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: alright Dante, apparently you havent jerked off today 'cause you're awefully tense about the subject, but the truth is you're being kinda stupid about this. To think that large groups of people can be optimistic is just stupid. Just look at the south, or the Middle East, or Bosnia, or WWII germany, or Cambodia, or Africa, or any other of those wonderful countries that thrives on mass murders and genocide.

2006-11-09 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Indifferent is a better word to describe such people... And I'm indifferent too, but that's not the POINT of the whole thing...

2006-11-09 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: Do me a favor King, and actually READ what I bother to type. I never said EVERYONE has to be optimistic, I never even said anything about having or being able to be optimistic, I basically just said you're getting the wrong impression of the point of optimism.

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: Heh, I may be pesimestic to the core, but James hunny, you aint got nothing on me :D... Your so much worse :P

2006-11-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: ummm, i do believe you mean you've got nothing on me, love.

and dante, what exactly are you babbeling about?

2006-11-09 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: *rolls eyes* Just goes right over your head... Never mind, focus on the objectivity part, that's the point I was trying to get across.

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: Do I? I dunno anymore... I'm so hyper tonight. I mean I'm extatically happy but I have no reason to be at all! I had such a fuckin' horrible day today. I guess I shouldn't of had that coffee earlier.

2006-11-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: alright, do me a favor, and define objectivity, so i know exactly what to shoot down

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: *bounces around* now this has gone over my head.. but thats not so surprising, I'm only 4'11. Ahaha! *ba doom dosh!*

2006-11-09 [Love like Winter.]: *looks around* no one else is laughing... At least I amuse myself :D

2006-11-09 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ...Haa, the sound effect! It's the corny joke drums... Cuuuute...

And King, if your only purpose for me defining it is to shoot it down, you are becoming an embodiment of one of America's problems and I truly pity you. Not that you care. <- Not that I'm saying that's bad.

2006-11-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: how am i an embodyment of america's problems?

you know what, dont answer that, and shut up about this

2006-12-15 [Love like Winter.]: Hahaha, annorexic nerds xD I think I know who your refaring to. I myself, am a true nerd too. I even traveled to anothger country to go to a convention (Collectormania 5), to meet people who acted in Lotr. THATS how sad I am :P

2006-12-15 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: heh, yes love, we all know you live a sad and pathetic life. Me, on the other hand, have only dedicated the last six years of my life to learning all that I can about LotR, the silmarillion and the hobbit.

2006-12-16 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Thank you so much for the nerd rant 0o;;; you have no idea how many people are all like "Yeah I lyk NarUto. lol" It pisses the shit out of me. Especially when you ask a question as simple as "Do you like Tsunade?" And they answer. "Who's that? A made up character :B" Gooooooooood

2006-12-16 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *tackles and chains up* you leave too much...

but, yes, I hate these cretans, they need to be slapped, witha ping-pong paddle

2006-12-20 [dark kitty in big trouble]: *is tied up* Well shoot 00'' Yes, I completely agree XD

2006-12-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: even though Naruto is shit on a stick...

2006-12-20 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Holy hell yeah it is XD have you read it lately? Kakuzu and Hidan are the fricken shiz!

2006-12-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: sadly no, I have not been keeping up with Naruto... I have been keeping up on my history. Have you heard about them Fuggers? They were the fricken shiz yo.

2006-12-20 [dark kitty in big trouble]: I've read it man. They are the shizzle of shiz yo! HE WEARS A FRICKEN HALTER TOP! He has to be awsome ^^

2006-12-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: wait, who wears a fricken halter top? i just took an exam, my brain is fried

2006-12-22 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Kakuzu. Who also just got shanked by his own partner in the newest chapter by accident because shikamaru is a freakin beast with his mind XD I love kakuzu though. It's sad T.T

2006-12-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *poke* you little fangirl you...

2006-12-22 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Oh shut up TT3TT It's flippen sad okay...But I dont think he's dead X3 Kakuzu has like....4 hearts...3 because kakashi owned one of them >>;

2006-12-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: ...i wont ask questions, i've learned better.

2006-12-22 [dark kitty in big trouble]: You have learned well then! *pats head*

2006-12-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *purs* what, no cookie?

2006-12-22 [dark kitty in big trouble]: *shoves cookie in mouth* Cookie for King! X3

2006-12-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *muffled*wmmwmmm!

2006-12-22 [dark kitty in big trouble]: hehe XD Good boy!

2006-12-22 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Gives Sammeth more cookies* Cookies!

2006-12-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: mmmm, cookies

2006-12-23 [Blood Red Sandman]: CCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. *Sounding like a possessed person, or a zombie*

2006-12-29 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: <_< Wait a minute... Stupid people do need to die... Tom Sawyer, you tricked me.

2006-12-30 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Wow X3 *angry fist* Darn you Tom Sawyer. LAWL :P

2006-12-31 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: curse you and your white washing ways...

2007-01-02 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Lawlz X3 So how was new years for you m'lord?

2007-01-02 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: it was terrific, went to a lock in, barely vomited. woot.

2007-01-05 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Awsome! I see your new rant! I love saying 'Happy Christmas' and a 'Merry New Year'. People always think I get them confused on accident ;p

2007-01-05 [Blood Red Sandman]: Who says 'Merry' with anything besides Christmas? Merry could be used for anything besides Christmas! I say merry easter and everyone yells at me for it..... T_T

2007-01-05 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: bastards! all of 'em bastards!

2007-01-05 [Blood Red Sandman]: EXACTLY!

2007-01-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: ...Dude... False profit... That's surprisingly stupid... in a humorous way...

2007-01-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: ?

2007-01-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: In Merry Christmas... Instead of false prophet... he said profit... XD The dumbass...

2007-01-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: yeah.......... *snickers* you know, we haven't talked for a while.

2007-01-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: No, we haven't... >_> I was scared to talk to you... Your mood... well, it didn't seem male-friendly...

2007-01-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: Well, I AM angry at the male race of my school, but you don't live anywhere near here so you're safe! *Mutters* Damn sticking lousy perverted bastard...............

2007-01-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: O_O *makes fearful face when he hears 'perverted'* She doesn't like perverts...

2007-01-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: Oh, its not that, it's just some guy who hates my guts is mocking me by throwing lame pickup lines and trying to squeeze my butt to piss me off. Does it count as being 'pissed off' if I punched this guy in the face and gave him a black eye?

2007-01-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: I think that's the point at which 'pissed off' gives way to 'die, motherfucker'. You had the right, though.

2007-01-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: Too true, considering he got his little brother and a few other 8th grade boys to do that also.............. *Eye twitches dangerously*

2007-01-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: o.o Just keep punchin' 'em.

2007-01-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: I can't.......... I nearly got an inschool for punching the first guy.................. GRRRRRRRR IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: What do they have against you... -_-'

2007-01-06 [Blood Red Sandman]: I dunno........... something about being over-abusive to him for something he DENIED he did, even though he did, and they didn't believe me............

2007-01-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeeeah, note to self- don't piss off the Lil...

2007-01-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: You just figured that out? lol... btw, your latest rant needs a spellcheck... XD False profit...

2007-01-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeah dante, i got that.

2007-01-06 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: By the way, merry hannukah.

2007-01-07 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: thank you, and merry kwanza

2007-01-08 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Heh....we dont have inschool thingers anymore 0o; its either you get suspended or expeled....brutal really X3

2007-01-08 [Blood Red Sandman]: yes.

2007-01-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: suspension is easy. unless you have a mother like mine... then you might as well be six feet under.

2007-01-09 [Blood Red Sandman]: yes. same here.

2007-01-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: it was fun when i got suspended two years ago- my mom made me completely clean my yard- mow, rake, trim, chop, etc. all in the morning

2007-01-09 [Blood Red Sandman]: that sucks. and now I have to sit next to the dude I was talking about earlier..........

2007-01-10 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: that sucks...

2007-01-10 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Heh yeah, that really sucks 0o; just got done watching Constantine X3 I love Satan in that movie. He's so funny! :D

2007-01-10 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeeees!! that movie was AWESOME!! very underrated. and thank god keanu didnt try to use an english accent

2007-01-10 [Blood Red Sandman]: T_T

2007-01-11 [dark kitty in big trouble]: That would have made my ears bleed....even though the dialoge still sucked, but hey the action is all that counts right X3

2007-01-11 [Blood Red Sandman]: Too true. tooo true........

2007-01-11 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeeeah, and rachel weiss was hot

2007-01-12 [Sieg Heil!!.PK]: <_< I don't know you people... The action is NOT all that counts... Personally, if the story isn't there, neither am I. Action is a plus, but I'd live without it...

2007-01-13 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: but we all have a guilty pleasure movie, this is one of them. and i thought the plot was pretty cool too.

2007-01-16 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Yeah me too. It definatly had plot, but dialoge just sucked ass. Like dont see starwars for the dialoge, your just crazy if you are. @.@

2007-01-16 [Blood Red Sandman]: ?

2007-01-16 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: blah, star wars was crap anyway. Serenity was MUCH better.

2007-01-17 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Eeeeeh, I thought Serenity had some kickass fight scenes....buuuuuuuut yeah, way to over dramatic on the girls part for me ^^

2007-01-17 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: gah! BLASPHOMY!!!!!

2007-01-18 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Exept you know it's true.

2007-01-18 [Blood Red Sandman]: ???

2007-01-18 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: no it wasnt! she was tortured to the point of psychosis, and you're going to call her reaction to the subject of her very psychotic reaction overly dramatic? gah! just, just gah!!

2007-01-20 [dark kitty in big trouble]: ....yeah to emo, to over dramatized. And her super power Wasnt doin it for me -_;

2007-01-20 [Blood Red Sandman]: Waaa? I'm confused!

2007-01-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: gah, you have no sense of taste. if it doesnt have pseudo supernatural forces and half assed characters you wont dig it, will you?

2007-01-22 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Oh bitch please. I have exelent taste, it just suits my interests a tad bit better than yours. I didnt like Serenity all that much because it was T.O. over dramatic. You of all people know that I dont like things like that. Sure it was a kick ass movie, and I loved the small comic reliefs, but to dramatic is too dramatic.

2007-01-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeah, i know, i just think Firefly and Serenity is the best thing since sliced bread. You don't dig the drama genre, I don't dig the 'wait, where did that sword come from?' and '12 year old ninjas' genre.

2007-01-22 [Blood Red Sandman]:


*Does a happy dance*

2007-01-23 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: fuck them!!!

COLTS ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*does a happier dance*

2007-01-24 [dark kitty in big trouble]: Well screw you all.

I'M GOING TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*falls over dead*
And I never said I dont dig the drama genre. And that's an insult. My world doesnt revolve around that. It may seem like it, but it sure as hell doesnt.

2007-01-24 [Blood Red Sandman]: *Grabs a knife and pounces on King* Take that back you bastard!!!!!!!!

2007-01-25 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *cowers* I CANT!!! i didnt say they would win...

2007-01-25 [Pockyhead! (The one and only ^.^)]: nice.....mind if i do one kingster?

2007-01-25 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: if you wish

2007-01-25 [Pockyhead! (The one and only ^.^)]: okay i'll IM you... ty!

2007-01-25 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: coolness...isity

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